HP Apollo 9000 Series 700 Self-Study Guide SR1211C The Series 700 Self Study Guide is a self-paced learning tool that will help the student sell the Series 700 to customers and prospects. This workbook is a revision of SR1211B and will be released in November, 1992. STUDENT PROFILE: CSO sales representatives, sales management, and PSO consultants worldwide supporting sales of workstation products. PREREQUISITES: SR122C Workstation Primer STUDENT PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: o Identify the unique characteristics and key benefits of each model in the Series 700 product family. o Describe new software features or products and what's new in the customer education and support services for the Series 700. o Identify high-potential markets for the Series 700 family. o Identify several distinguishing reasons why customers should purchase the Series 700. COURSE OUTLINE: Unit 1: Product Line Overview Unit 2: Series 700 Hardware Unit 3: Software and Services Unit 4: How the Competition Measures Up Unit 5: Markets and Opportunities for the Series 700 Unit 6: Selling the Series 700 TESTING PROCESS: Self-Assessment Test included in the workbook. To access Mastery Test, send an HPDesk message: To: Fieldtest ADMIN Subject: SR1211C A score of 80% or better represents satisfactory completion. FORMAT: Self-paced workbook and audio cassette tapes LOCATION: Not applicable LENGTH: 8 hours AVAILABILITY: 11/92 LANGUAGE: English EQUIPMENT: Audio cassette tape player CLASS SIZE: Not applicable ORDERING INFO: Heart I-2 order from Support Materials Organization (SMO/C200), Roseville, CA art # A1643-90008. QUESTIONS: Contact your Sales Force Program Manager or Country Education Manager PROJECT MGR: Jim Belcher Telnet/508 436-5069